Human Is right


Our Projects!!!!
Vai a Prisoner’s rights

Prisoner’s rights

In January 2008, Global Conscience Initiative started the Prisoners’ Rights Defence Project, aimed to observe the conditions of detainees in the Cameroonian prison system and to subsequently give them assistance, both in a legal way and by trying to improve the above mentioned conditions.

Vai a Juvenile Delinquency Reformation

Juvenile Delinquency Reformation

The Juvenile Delinquency Reformation Project carries out a needs assessment survey in Buea Prison and at the Boastal Institute with the objective of finding ways to support the re-educative services provided by the Boastal Institute and help the juveniles become better citizens.

Vai a Supporting Gender Equality

Supporting Gender Equality

In present day Cameroon, women are still regarded as subordinate to men in almost all aspects of daily life, especially in the rural villages. National law in Cameroon is not particularly unfair to women, but traditional law is still practiced in most areas which favours men. We have found land rights to be a major issue in numerous villages and we have chosen to address this issue in the beginning stages of the project, but we will also address others as we expand and develop the project.

Vai a Get Involved!

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About Us

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood” (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights) Human IS Right is a subsidiary program of Global Conscience Initiative and it aims to bring a deeper conscience on human rights in the Buea region. Its mission is inspired by the same principles of GCI and its work is strictly in cooperation with the one of the main office. Now Human IS Right is working on its Prisoners' Rights Project in Buea and is heading to develop several other projects to spread the seed of human rights in this region and to see it growing and expanding more and more!

Get Involved! Your support to Human IS Right helps us further our mission to promote peace in Cameroon and ensure more responsible governance and justice.

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